Tuesday, July 15, 2008

slow start...

Ok, ok. A half a pound loss could be anything, probably water. And I really did not do anything out of the ordinary in week 1. So, it could be better and could be worse. lets call it a wash.

Today was the beginning of a grueling process. I worked out with a PT for 30 minutes this morning and was destroyed...and he was taking it easy on me. I even felt a little nauseous afterwards because I just had not worked out in any real way for so long.

So, I hope this is the start of a transition into a regular healthy workout routine, that my body catches up and begins to accept what I'm asking it to do, and that it will slowly get easier. I have to remember to think macro about this whole process.

Now I am just waiting for a training partner (boom boom?).


Dig said...

Drink plenty of fluids tonight and tomorrow. Should be nice and sore on guys night which is good b/c then I won't be the only sore bodied person out. Ride safe!

BoomBoom said...

I agree with the above advice. Also, help yourself by not letting that be the only workout of the week. After two weeks of the same routine, soreness will subside. And usually the second day after the workout is worse.

I would definitely workout with you. I only have 1 1/2 more weeks of summer school and then I have a month off. So my time will be flexible. What do you wanna do?

hapanine said...

BB, you nailed it. The plan (if I can sustain) is a PT once per week on Tues. followed by running on Thurs. followed by Plyometrics on either Sat. or Sun.

Sound like a lot? It is. But I am game right now so strike while my attitude is positive.

hapanine said...

for those whom asked...


BoomBoom said...

Lemme know where and when on the plyos. If you do them outdoors at a lake or something gimme a jingle.

Don't be surprised if the jog is really hard on Thurs. due to soreness! Go slow enough that you can talk while running (to start).


hapanine said...

Jog went well today. I only went a mile, but that was plenty as my course at Powderhorn has two brutal hills. Still pretty sore today but now I'm used to it. Camping this weekend, Plyos next week Boom boom?

skm said...

you're not off the hook with plyos just because we're camping.